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PTCO General Membership Meeting - January 14th @ 9am - Featuring CCHS Principal Ryan Silva
1/13/2025 12:43 pm
PTCO General Membership Meeting - January 14th @ 9am - Featuring CCHS Principal Ryan Silva
The WMS PTCO invites all of you to join us for our General Meeting on Tuesday, January 14th at 9:00am in the Commons Room at West. We are privileged to be joined by Cherry Creek High School Principal, Ryan Silva. Ryan will discuss updates from the high school campus and dig into what to expect as our children transition into the next step in their education.
“I attended last year’s General PTCO meeting that featured Ryan Silva. It was hands down the most informative meeting that I attended last year. It’s never too early to engage with topics regarding what to expect as my daughter gets closer to Cherry Creek High.”
- Wade Nedved, 7th grade Dad.
6:00PM - 7:00PM WMS PTCO General Membership Meeting co-hosted with the WMS Accountability Leaders
11/11/2024 10:08 am
PTCO is co-hosting our quarterly general membership meeting in conjunction with the Accountability group to learn more about the great ways that parents are helping improve the overall educational experience at WMS. Everyone is welcome to join us from 6:00 - 7:00 PM in the Design Hub!
Lead Participants: Mónica Garcia (Principal), Olivia Phillips (PAC Co-Chair), Susie Peterson (PAC Co-Chair), Garry Rosemann (PTCO Member), Wade Nedved (PAC/PTCO Representative) Mark Wackwitz (Assistant Principal & Literacy Department Rep), Tasha Waldron (MLL Support)
Find the whole agenda here
Read MoreGrants Approved!
10/24/2024 4:57 pm
Due to the tremendous support of our community through the PTCO fundraising activities, the Board was able to approve many teacher grants to help support this year’s students body. The grants were for everything from soldering kits in Science to a field trip at the zoo.
Make sure to check out the WMS PTCO website for information!
Please follow us on Facebook (link below) to get updates on how the grants are being utilized!
Agenda for April 29 9:15 AM PTCO General Meeting
4/12/2024 12:49 pm
At the final PTCO General membership meeting, we will vote on several important items:
- Approval of Spring Grants
- Approval of 2024-2025 budget
- Voting in new PTCO Executive Board
We will also hear from our School Resource Officer, Rodney Valenzuela, about the state of the school, some insight into police presence and jurisdictions during school lockdowns, and four square rules at recess.
The Agenda is linked here.
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